Ulysseus - European Hackathon

what is it ?

The Entre Camp Helsinki is a funded international hybrid experience. Master students get the opportunity to travel to Helsinki and work in international teams to develop innovative products and services related to the hackathon’s main theme “Shared Value & Sustainability: solutions for the future ”. The goals of the Entre Camp Helsinki 2022 are to allow students to develop transversal competencies for their future and increase their knowledge and awareness related to sustainability. 

The Entre Camp Helsinki includes 
  • three online meetings to get ready for this great adventure, and deliver the final outcome.
  • 6 days hackathon in Helsinki devoted to workshops, keynotes, company visits and final presentation (the teams are supported by experts, coaches, and mentors).
This unique experience is organized by UniCA Entreprendre in partnership with the network Ulysseus.


  • Application deadline - 01/03/23
  • March → based on your CV, you'll be selected for an individual interview
  • Online kick-off*, 03/05/23  4 pm (CET) 
  • Pre-assignment deadline** 19/05/23 (online submission) 
  • 5 days hackathon, 05/06/23- 09/06/22 (in Helsinki - please consider traveling to Helsinki the 04/06/23 and back to Nice the 10/06/23) 
  • 30/06/23, learning portfolio*** (online submission)
(*)The Entre Camp is partially held online and partially at present. The Online kick-off is the first appointment of this international adventure where you will get to know the Ulysseus Etre Camp staff, students from other universities, the specific topics the projects revolve around 

Other practicalities

  • Who: Master Students from any background, if you are interested in entrepreneurship this is a plus.
  • Scholarship: this experience is fully funded, therefore students are eligible for scholarships to cover the travel and accommodation expenses
  • Academic recognition: 5 ECTS, upon submitting all the deliveries and creating a Learning Agreement* to be signed by the pedagogic responsible of the student’s master.
  • Available spots: 7
*The Learning agreement is a document that regulates the assignment of ECTS for European exchange experiences such as the Erasmus and this Entre camp. Its goal is to certify that the competencies developed during the international experience are consistent with the academic path of the student. More info during the selection process.


To apply, we kindly ask you to:

  • prepare a motivational letter written in English (see below)
  • send your CV in English (max 1 page)
  • fill out the application form below

To apply you must be available to do the pre-assignment, the learning portfolio, and travel to attend the Hackathon in Helsinki.
A B2 English level is required.

Motivation letter

Please write a motivation letter (1 page max) and answer the following questions:  ​

  • How can EntreCamp be useful for you?      ​
  • What do you expect from this Camp in terms of learnings and experiences?                
  • Describe your team working skills and experience in teamwork.   ​
  • Please tell us also if you already have some experience of internationality in studies or working life.   
  • Why are you interested in innovation/ entrepreneurship or sustainability ?        ​
We encourage you to provide us with not-trivial answers and specific examples that can showcase to us your experience and motivation.
Nouvel onglet titre

Participants will learn to:​

  • Basic of Design Thinking process.​
  • Develop and strengthen their entrepreneurial mindset.​
  • Think critically, make decisions, and create and test different solutions.​
  • Communicate and develop their ideas further through discussions.​
  • Look at problems from various viewpoints when working in diverse teams and with companies / other stakeholders. ​
  • Identify business opportunities and develop those into a set of sustainable solutions.

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